The Intricate Rebranding Elements

Rebranding elements go far beyond just the logo and colour palette, which are simply representations of the brand. The new brand identity needs to reside in everything you do, say or imply. Stealing Share creates and manages all of those rebranding needs.

Brand Training For Sales And The Sales Force

The Salesforce brand training is an important part of branding. Branding is not just the province of the marketing department. Everyone in the company carries the brand promise so they must be trained on it.

Creating Brand Value

Creating brand value. What we buy is ourselves. A process for creating brand value. What we buy is ourselves. Call us, and we will share our process with you. You leave it to engineers to create a better product or leave it to owners to make operations better.

Persuasive Branding

Persuasive branding is a science. A decade ago, Stealing Share went rogue. We specialize in persuasive branding. We challenged brand orthodoxy and promised the rebranding we do and the brands we create would be persuasive.

Branding Consultants

It says our branding consultants are aggressive and focused. And it says they get right to the point. Cutting through all the political crap. And, personal idiosyncrasies that are in the way of change and winning.

Brand Consulting Services

Stealing Share is a group of brand consultants with in-house creative and design services, research, and strategic development. This should come as no surprise. We know what everyone else says. They are our competitors and we would be idiots if they were not familiar to us.

Branding Consultancy

We are a little embarrassed saying we are a branding consultancy. It is just such a poor company to keep. The entire industry gives us a bad reputation. You know the familiar riff. A branding consultancy is a group of egg heads who pontificate about theories and deliver not much more than a bill for services. They aren’t’ business people.

Developing a Brand

Effectively developing a brand is nearly impossible to execute in-house because it is difficult to be dispassionate and objective when evaluating the state of your business. As a result, companies often make the mistake of confusing the business of their business with the business of their brand.

Brand Work

Our brand work cuts across every category. Consumer products, beer, alcoholic beverages, medical devices, and hospitals. We have rebranded small kitchen appliances, disposable diapers, resorts, destinations, and retail. Stealing Share’s expertise is in packaged goods, finance, mutual funds, QSR, fast food, restaurants, banks, trucks, and automobiles. Associations, political movements, airlines, transportation, and manufacturing.