Branding Research

Branding research is what you conduct after you study the problem and hypothesize the solutions. Other research is not worth the paper it is printed on. Stop all the wasted money and find out how we do it.

Brand Research

How we work is what makes Resultant Research one of the world’s top brand research companies. One goal. Research must produce more business. Other research firms don’t make that connection. It is the only reason we exist. To find ways to grow your business and help steal market share.

Our Process

Our focused branding process grows market share. More than that, it steals share from the competition. Because of this focus, our branding process starts with facts. We begin by conducting one-on-one interviews with your key personnel and influential members of your marketplace.

Great Branding Company

Stealing Share invented persuasive branding. Our brand process takes the standard and rote brand identity and pours persuasive juices into its very fibre. No one should settle for the corner deli type of branding company. If you want to win and grow in today’s crowded market, demand more than just a pretty picture. Static does not cut it anymore.

Startup Branding

Startups need a brand too. Call us, we are branding experts and we will make it happen. This process provides strategic direction and a strategic theme for startups and emerging brands. We condense the startup branding project timeline to twenty workdays from start to deliverables.

The Branding Project Timeline

Every project is unique but the branding project timeline has some common elements. The brand flowchart is a good representation of the typical Stealing Share branding project timeline. Every branding project can change based on the needs of the client. But the basic nature of a project and its resulting marketing strategy remains the same.

Analyzing A Brand

We developed a model for analyzing brand position. Having a model is essential. At Stealing Share, unlike other branding companies, we build brands to be persuasive. Brand power comes from an active brand. Conceived in the first person and spoken from the perspective of the prospect.

Creating Brand Identity

What is most important about brand identity? Two things: It represents your brand, it makes the customer identify with it and It serves the strategy behind it. That’s what brand identity is in today’s turbulent and competitive markets. How is it done? Call us, right now and we can tell you.

Brand Anthropology

Our strategists unlock consumer behaviour influencers through brand anthropology. It is an artificial enterprise to evaluate brand and marketing without looking into a much broader spectrum of human behavior. Without the science of brand anthropology, most marketing research studies are deeply flawed.

Logo Development

What makes great logo development? People the world over have come to expect a logo when encountering a company or product — It’s so ingrained in how we size things up. We understand logo development differently. We demand more of it. Call us, we will gladly tell you why.