Rebrand Using Behavioral Modeling
A rebrand is a significant undertaking for any business, service, or product. It has costs and benefits. Let’s, for a moment, put aside the cost-benefit analyses and assume it makes sense for you.
Brand Effectiveness
What if you find your brand’s meaning slipping away? Or you believe your brand is not important or fresh as it once was? You should think about updating your brand. You should call us and request a brand audit.
Brand Updating
Brand updating is not the same thing as rebranding. It is a tweaking of the brand’s message to position the brand to grow share. Call us and we can talk with you in more detail. Even though it seems to be a minor change, the results can be immense.
Rebranding Checklist
We designed this rebranding checklist to help you decide if a rebranding is right for you. We include a link to a page helping you manage all the elements needed in a rebranding project. complete rebranding is not an easy task, nor is it an easy decision.
Brand Training
Brand training is not the end. It’s the beginning. Brand training for employees and stakeholders is how Stealing Share ensures a successful rebranding or brand launch. Call us now. We will show you how. Other branding agencies see it as an extra service.
Brand audit
As part of our standard rebranding process, Stealing Share conducts a comprehensive brand audit. It is an analysis that examines where your brand stands now. And what it does going forward. We also conduct brand audits for companies as a standalone exercise to keep the brand relevant, checking for brand drift (the over-complication of marketing influences on a brand message).
Rebranding Strategy
No other rebranding companies specialize in applying a rebranding strategy for their clients, as does Stealing Share. The reason is in our name. If you are sick of the pontificating of rebrand strategy experts, join the crowd. We are a different kind of rebranding company. Our competitors say we went rogue, and that’s fine with us. It’s also true.
Updating a Brand
What if you find your brand’s meaning slipping away? Or you believe your brand is not important or fresh as it once was? You should think about updating your brand.
Changing Your Brand
Most brands face daunting tasks in preparing marketing communications to steal market share. Changing your brand can be one way to address that. It is less shocking than a rebranding initiative and far easier than brand repair. If you have unlimited budgets and are capable of out-spending the competitive set, your job is that much easier.
Brand Work
Our brand work cuts across every category. Consumer products, beer, alcoholic beverages, medical devices, and hospitals. We have rebranded small kitchen appliances, disposable diapers, resorts, destinations, and retail. Stealing Share’s expertise is in packaged goods, finance, mutual funds, QSR, fast food, restaurants, banks, trucks, and automobiles. Associations, political movements, airlines, transportation, and manufacturing.