
Stealing Share's Analysis and advice

Behavioral Modeling

March 9, 2023

brand consulting behavior modelingBehavioral Modeling is the ultimate game-changer in creating a powerful brand. It’s not some flimsy theory; it’s a strategic approach that unveils the secret sauce behind human decision-making.

And trust me, once you grasp its significance, your brand will soar to new heights.

Behavioral Modeling is like being a detective, deciphering the complex connection between what people do, what they want, and what they believe to be true.

The missing link bridges the gap between consumer behavior and brand success.

Brand building as science

You gain an unprecedented advantage when you understand what drives people’s actions, their deepest desires, and the core beliefs that fuel their decisions.

It’s like having a treasure map of your target audience’s hearts and minds.

Behavioral Modeling

Behavioral ModelingLet me break it down for you. By diving into what a person does, you get real insights into their preferences and choices. This is the foundation, the starting point of behavioral modeling. But we don’t stop there. Oh no, we dig deeper.

Next up, we uncover what they really want – their dreams, aspirations, and goals. These desires are the fuel that propels them forward. They’re the key to igniting their passion and creating that emotional connection with your brand.

And here’s the grand finale: their beliefs. This is the nucleus of behavioral modeling. What people hold to be true shapes every decision they make.

By tapping into their beliefs, you align your brand with their values. It’s a powerful mechanism to win their trust, loyalty, and devotion.


Your brand in context

Now, picture your brand as the shining star in a crowded galaxy of competitors. When you apply behavior modeling, you’re not just another product on the shelf; you become a magnetic force that attracts and retains customers.

You craft your brand’s identity in a way that resonates deep within them. Your messaging, visuals, and experiences are laser-focused on what truly matters to your audience. It’s a match made in branding heaven.

Don’t underestimate the power of behavioral modeling. It’s not some optional add-on; it’s the backbone of successful brands. When you connect the dots between what a person does, wants, and believes, you wield an unparalleled influence over their choices.

Brand that moves markets

Behavioral ModelingSo, if you’re serious about dominating your industry and leaving a lasting impact, embrace behavior modeling with unwavering confidence.

Your brand will become an unstoppable force, leaving competitors in the dust. Behavioral Modeling: created to understand emotional motivators.

Behavioral modeling opens the gates to influential brands.

The brand anthropologists at Stealing Share created a predictive model as a springboard to persuasive brand creation. This model clears away clutter and reveals the prime emotional motivator that controls your target audiences.

No other branding agency uses this behavioral modeling or understands how humans are prisoners to their belief systems.

Here are the critical elements of Behavioral Modeling

1) Processes

Processes are visible actions. There is no ambiguity in a process. You witness it happening in real-time. In the Process part of the behavioral modeling, the brand anthropologists/strategists identify all the processes the brand owns.

These statements all begin with “It is” or “It has.”

What is behavior modeling with example? Some examples of this might be “It is easy to use,” “It has unique properties,” or “Mid-market males prefer it.”

This becomes a long and exhaustive list in behavioral modeling. At times there will be hundreds of processes identified. This just starts the behavioral modeling process.

The next step identifies the motivations that create the processes.

2) Purposes

Behavioral ModelingIn all cases, without exception, every process serves a need or want. Only sociopathic individuals participate in processes for no reason at all.

Here, in behavioral modeling, we tie the processes to your brand. Starting with each process, the anthropologists/strategists ask in our behavioral modeling, “What need or want caused this to occur?”

We think of needs as an imperative and wants as more discretionary.

Using one of our examples above, we ask what needs or wants control the statement “It is easy to use.”

A few come to mind.

“I need more time, or I want life to be easier, or I need to do other more important things, or I want fewer complications.”

In behavioral modeling, we note all these needs and want. And we draw a connection from the process to the purpose.

The entire list of processes is exhausted. Noting all the connections and creating additional purposes as they arise.

When completed, this part of the behavioral modeling, we have a pristine map of all the needs and wants that control the processes your brand wishes to action.

In this list, you will uncover all your marketing messages. The root of current marketing is identifying a need or want and demonstrating better effectiveness.

Other branding companies stop here. They guess at benefits and lack a system to map them expensively. But this is not the secret sauce.

Understanding behavior

Behavioral Modeling chartNeeds and wants— purposes are causal. In behavioral modeling, they create the processes and control them as well. Brand anthropology goes deeper.

We asked a simple question if needs and wants (purposes) created processes (or actions). What creates purposes? Are they simply an intrinsic part of life?

No. Purposes are created too. Understanding that cause is the key to understanding behavior and the science of influencing it.


Just as clearly as the relationship between purposes and processes, there is a causal relationship to precepts (beliefs).

Behavioral ModelingWhat we BELIEVE to be true creates and controls every need and want we maintain—every single one. The behavior model maps that relationship.

Our anthropologists/strategists added an experiential element to this idea of precepts. Precepts are the real magic of precepts.

First, they are not category specific.

They are universal in their scope; This means that a precept might be more emotionally intense in your specific category, but that belief system controls and creates other purposes and behaviors outside your category.

Another word of caution. So intensely held are precepts that they serve as a personal definition. In short, we are what we believe to be true. Attack a belief, and you are attacking that person.

Precepts don't need to be true to be powerful

But precepts do not need to be true. Truth is immaterial. If you believe them, they are powerful.

So, the anthropologists/strategists concentrate on the entire list of purposes. They probe into each one and ask profound questions: “What do you believe about the world that created that purpose— that need and want?

We map every purpose to a precept in our behavioral modeling. And because our anthropological hypothesis states a belief will control many purposes, we find that vision reinforced.

We may end up with more than 100 processes. And we will have a third of that number as purposes and precepts, less than one-quarter of the number of purposes.

The goal is to find a ruling precept. One precept seems germinal to this category. But we never guess.

Our researchers at Resultant Research invented a methodology to test the intensity of the precepts. We can compare intensities and uncover the most emotionally intensive of all. We are able to test the assumptions arising from the behavioral modeling.

This science is the root of our persuasive branding.

The brand has two options. It can create a new belief or align itself with an existing belief. We look for the latter. It is more cost-effective.

Brand narrative and personality

Many branding agencies talk about the Idea of a brand narrative. The idea is to visualize the brand as a person.

behavior modeling

We create the brand narrative around the identified ruling precept. We construct a brand theme line expressing that belief.

We design a logo that exemplifies that precept. As an identity, it becomes more about the customer than the brand identity old-school brand-building claims.

We build your brand with a ruling precept. It becomes an emotional conflict to choose a different brand. It is akin to emotional suicide.

Brand choices

We choose things we believe to be a self-reflection.

behavior modeling

All things being equal, behavioral modeling does not let the brand entirely off the hook with amenities and benefits. But it amplifies those advantages 1000 times when wrapped in the new brand.

The brands Stealing Share creates salute the ruling precept— the precept claims the highest emotional intensity in the category and tells those you must influence what it is and why it exists.

Raw and unbridled brand power. We insist on it.